~Most of the Water News - None of the Spin~
Committee Army Corps' Spending Bill Approved; Moves on to Full House
Photo credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Also This Week . . . and Next
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Photo credit: Jim Havard via Flickr |
Noteworthy @UpperMiss Twitter Postings for the Week
Water Quality -
Waters of the United States
- Company seeking to build landfill on Louisiana wetland asks the U.S. Supreme Court for the second time to take up Army Corps jurisdiction case http://ow.ly/LTKWJ
- White House: it's "irresponsible" for House spending bill to block proposed Clean Water Act rule implementation http://ow.ly/LX98K
Other Water Quality News
- NY Times: Conflict Over Soil and Water Quality Puts ‘Iowa Nice’ to a Test http://ow.ly/LQgAC
- Exxon Mobil Co. subsidiaries agree to $5 million settlement with Arkansas and federal government over 2013 oil spill http://ow.ly/LYyF5
- West Virginia Rivers Coalition and Kentucky Waterways Alliance call for reduced mercury discharges to the Ohio River http://ow.ly/LXgMR
- Phillips 66 discovers diesel fuel leaking near/into the Mississippi River from one of its Illinois pipelines (now contained within booms before River) http://ow.ly/LRJ02
- Electric Power Research Institute awarded U.S. Water Alliance Water Prize for multi-state nutrient trading pilot http://ow.ly/LTNFR
- Ohio Farm Bureau Federation releases report detailing efforts to ensure safe and healthy state water http://ow.ly/LTPAs (report: http://ow.ly/LTPGQ)
- Cape Girardeau County meat processing company owners: ongoing releases of slaughterhouse waste into nearby creek were unintentional http://ow.ly/LTXkM
- Oklahoma ranks second among states for reducing phosphorus loading to waterways according to new EPA data (third for nitrogen reduction) http://ow.ly/M3OuV
- Congressional GOP attempt to gain leverage over Corps' water resources projects within earmark ban constraints has stalled http://ow.ly/M3FkZ
- USDA announces $112 million in Water and Environmental Program funding for rural water and wastewater infrastructure projects http://ow.ly/LYdKA
- St. Bernard Parish resolution opposes Louisiana state funding for proposed Mississippi River sediment diversions http://ow.ly/LXdX4
- The Guardian: "The cold truth about our thirst for bottled water" http://ow.ly/LXodP
- Environmental groups sue U.S. EPA to end a 2008 pollution-reporting exemption for animal feeding operations http://ow.ly/LX9TR
- Center for Food Integrity research: only 25 percent of consumers believe "U.S. has a responsibility to provide food for the rest of the world” http://ow.ly/M3KEk
- USDA accepting applications for Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative project in Southeast Lower Green River watershed (Kentucky) http://ow.ly/LRTN7
- Environmental groups contest USEPA decision to allow more widespread use of new 2,4-D version used on genetically modified corn, soybeans http://ow.ly/LTVdj
- Drones: A conservation tool of the future? http://ow.ly/LX8QI
- USDA issues Conservation Compliance Interim Final Rule (effective today); comment period open through June 23 http://ow.ly/M3IoM
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Source: NOAA |
- NOAA seasonal drought update: drought improvement in southern High Plains; drought likely to persist across Northern Plains and Minnesota, expanding into portions of Wisconsin and Illinois http://ow.ly/LV040
- US weekly drought update: http://ow.ly/wmTdv
- NOAA: March 2015 and first quarter of year were warmest on record http://ow.ly/LQoyB
- Divers confirm effective treatment of Christmas Lake (Minnesota) zebra mussels http://ow.ly/LXqoH
- Unexplained Walleye decline having major effect on Mille Lacs Lake area businesses and communities (Minnesota) http://ow.ly/M0liY
- Two new research papers suggest that neonicotinoid pesticides play a significant role in the decline of bees http://ow.ly/M0mXv
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Photo credit: Minneapolis Park Board |
- New Orleans’ use of pervious/porous pavement gradually expands http://ow.ly/LQiME
- Peoria, Illinois seeks USEPA approval of 100% Green Infrastructure Plan to enhance combined sewer overflow management http://ow.ly/LQjgo
- $500,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to the city of Minneapolis means a new Mississippi Riverside park http://ow.ly/LXdjQ
- Despite a state grant-freeze, Alton, Illinois will use National Scenic Byways Program grant to improve Riverview Park http://ow.ly/LXf0d
- Minnesota's Clean Water, Outdoor Heritage, and Parks and Trails funds clear first legislative
States in the News This Week - Clean Water Action op-ed: U.S. Senate bill would limit ability of Minnesota to act creatively on toxic chemical problems; including new state bills under consideration http://ow.ly/LTYIu
- Fifty-seven Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employees receiving formal notices that they might face layoff http://ow.ly/LYeH9
- Kentucky Division of Water seeks public comment on draft Hopkins County water quality impairment report-pH and metals (deadline May 18) http://ow.ly/LTOLQ
- Pennsylvania bill would create a watershed improvement program and establish a "verified TMDL parameter credit program" http://ow.ly/LXsn8 (bill: http://ow.ly/LXrSL)
- Journal Gazette editorial: Eventually, Indiana's governor and legislature may understand the need to balance economic growth with environmental protection and preservation http://ow.ly/LXmKk
- Governor: New North Dakota pipeline rules will result in stronger safeguards against leaks, improve remediation http://ow.ly/LUjcf
- Kansas lawmakers face roughly $400 million in tax increases or budget cuts in wake of deep income tax cuts http://ow.ly/LXjBL
- Oklahoma Senate approves legislation calling for a statewide referenedum on "right to farm" http://ow.ly/M0qzF
- Oklahoma's state House on Wednesday approved two bills designed to limit local bans on oil and gas operations http://ow.ly/M3Zha
- Nebraska Game and Parks Commission announces $35 million plan to create four recreational parks along Platte River http://ow.ly/LXhH3
- Colorado state Senate gives preliminary approval to bill letting state and local authorities assume concurrent jurisdiction over federal forests, other lands http://ow.ly/LVf7J (Senate Bill 39: http://bit.ly/1blI9xJ)
- Ranking of eco-friendly states indicates Louisiana is least friendly state to the environment; Kentucky and Minnesota rank 48th and 4th http://ow.ly/LXfRd
- Census Bureau reports that state governments took in $865.8 billion in 2014, a 2.2 percent increase over 2013 http://ow.ly/LQhrq
- Deepwater Horizon oil spill restoration trustees agree on next 10 natural resources "early restoration" projects, totaling $134 million http://ow.ly/LTLzL
- Louisiana Native American Tribe's relocation promoted in Capitol Hill briefing as a model for coastal indigenous groups http://ow.ly/LVemW
- Pew Research: five key facts about the Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its aftermath http://ow.ly/LRUud
- The Guardian: Louisiana five years after BP oil spill: "It's not going back to normal no time soon" http://ow.ly/LQf6i
- Political, bureaucratic brawls threaten Gulf Coastal restoration hopes http://ow.ly/LQmZk
- USDA media release highlights how private landowners "play pivotal role aiding Gulf recovery," with USDA's help http://ow.ly/LRKQX
- BP restoration penalties may finally give the Gulf of Mexico’s fragile ecosystem the long-term care it needs http://ow.ly/LXmei
- USDA and the state of Mississippi sign Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program agreement to conserve and restore Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley forests http://ow.ly/M0mse
Photo: Pennsylvania DEP |
- Study: Between 2000 and 2012, about 7 million acres of agricultural, range and forest lands were given over to oil and gas drilling http://ow.ly/M3WLn
- Iowa may be about to shift into production of renewable fuels made from manure, municipal waste, other organic byproducts http://ow.ly/LTVFM
- At well sites across Pennsylvania, pictures help tell a story of DEP drilling regulation violations, water pollution http://ow.ly/LQfxe
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln report: Ethanol had a nearly $5 billion impact on Nebraska’s economy last year http://ow.ly/LQifG
- Developers of natural gas project are suing West Virginia property owners in federal court to gain access http://ow.ly/LTWAl
- Wisconsin energy cooperative expands renewable energy portfolio, adding output from Mississippi River hydroelectric station http://ow.ly/M3NtL
- Several senators, from various states, including the Corn Belt, sent a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) support letter to the EPA this week: http://1.usa.gov/1bz8cBO
- House Appropriations Committee releases its FY 2016 Energy and Water draft committee report (http://ow.ly/LUFhP) with details of spending for Army Corps programs; (subsequently the House Appropriations Committee approved a rider-laden energy and water spending bill by voice vote http://ow.ly/M0oZi) (see related summary at head of this blog post)
- OMB letter: Obama administration has "serious" reservations with the House fiscal year 2016 energy and water spending bill http://ow.ly/LX8A9
- House Appropriations Committee spending bill provides $30.17 billion for Interior Department, Forest Service and U.S. EPA: $246 million below current funding levels http://ow.ly/M0oA5
- House and Senate GOP negotiators are putting the finishing touches on a fiscal year 2016 budget resolution agreement http://ow.ly/M0qc2
- Top House appropriators tell budget writers that 'CHIMPS' funding stream (Changes-in-Mandatory-Programs) is vital http://ow.ly/M3GGm
- The Future of Big Rivers Colloquium series: Computer Simulation of Large River Evolution, April 27, 5 pm CT, University Of Illinois (Springfield) http://ow.ly/LR4Cp
- Webinar: The Ecology of Streams and Forested Buffers, by Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., Stroud Water Research Center, April 28, 12 noon ET http://ow.ly/LKvnG
- Center for American Progress: From Risk to Resilience: Fortifying U.S. Communities in the Face of Climate Change, April 30, 12 noon ET (webcast) http://ow.ly/M0nWm
- DuPage County, Illinois Stormwater Management to host public green infrastructure workshop; April 30, 6 to 7:30 p.m. CDT http://ow.ly/LQjJO
- Lower Mississippi Valley Canoe Outfitting and Guiding class, May 2-3, University of Louisiana at Monroe http://ow.ly/LYmKq (registration deadline extended)
- Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (UMRBA) posts May 5 and 6, 2015 meeting packets, including agendas http://ow.ly/LYfzc
- Public Meeting: Invasive Species Advisory Committee: Wednesday, May 20-22, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, 1305 East-West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD http://ow.ly/LTHF4
- Livable Communities through Urban Forestry conference for urban forestry researchers and practitioners, Washington, D.C., August 6-7 http://ow.ly/LQkd7
- Lower Mississippi River Dispatch No. 286, April 17 http://ow.ly/LQnxZ and No. 287, April 20 http://ow.ly/LRMAt
- Ohio Wetlands Association April newsletter http://ow.ly/LTMgt
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency WaterFront Bulletin http://ow.ly/LXHrX
- The St. Louis Art Museum releases series of Navigating the Mississippi River video vignettes http://ow.ly/LX572
- U.S. Water Alliance NewsWaves April 2015 http://ow.ly/M0nf3
- Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy's April 23 TUWaterWays e-newsletter http://ow.ly/M3Md8
- Montana Watershed Coordination Council's April 24 "Watershed News" http://ow.ly/M4kqb
- Gulf Restoration Network "Gulf Waves" e-newsletter - April 24 http://ow.ly/M4tAU
- Coalition report details Federal natural disaster policy flaws; calls for series of policy changes http://ow.ly/LYDRU
- Ex-NOAA director urges major changes in federal spill contingency plan http://ow.ly/LQwHb
- 353 most environmentally responsible colleges listed in 2015 Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges http://ow.ly/LTOdX
- Quadrennial Energy Review: growing energy demands are squeezing U.S. road, rail and waterway transportation capacity http://ow.ly/LX89k
- New U.S. House bill would require U.S. EPA to conduct studies on oil-dispersing chemicals before approving their use http://ow.ly/LXb23 (link to bill: http://ow.ly/LXaFg)
- Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee chair: Land and Water Conservation Fund should be overhauled to maintain existing recreation sites, put more money in the hands of states http://ow.ly/M0psR
- House Committee approves contentious reauthorization bill for energy and science research programs http://ow.ly/M0pXt (bill: http://ow.ly/M0pOS)
- House and Senate Republicans introduce bill to empower states to challenge federal regulations http://bit.ly/1QpiO5U (bill: http://ow.ly/M3JJm)
- Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) will seek reelection to West Virginia's senior Senate seat in 2016 (and will not run for Governor) http://ow.ly/LQeuo
Photograph by Harlan Humphrey |